First brick grants are type of consensus based grants specially build for development, research & marketing support with an oversight release of funds for the entropy building on top of ecosystem.
First brick grant is a program initiated within PROOF OF BUILDING consensus in order to build projects on top of GENERATION LINEAGE and the research topics foundation is focused on. These are unique consensus based grants supported by FOUNDATION TREASURY by supporting builders and incentivizing their building effort by the development minting token INPUT (INT).
Every ENTROPY/SUB-PROTOCOL who get eligible for the grant get the same TIMECHAIN (50 weeks) in order to make their product on chain live.
First brick grant program has specific logic and rules behind it. These are the rules behind it -
Grants will be not received in a wholesome amount, but the team can apply for amount of grant after the team mint their id on weu foundation. At the end of every TIMECHAIN teams or individual can claim grants piece by piece after grantmaker evaluate their work . Teams can maintain their own repositories or work
Evaluators charge a 10 % cut for every timechain of funds burned from the GDV. Evaluators can be the part of the grant team , core team of Generation Lineage they are building under or the one of the council member .
After 50 TIMECHAIN if the development is not done . MInting pool of the specific ENTROPY/SUB-PROTOCOL will reach 0 . (they can reapply for 1/4 timechain and 1/4 remaining INPUT if approved by the all the coucil members of the foundation).
Every TIMECHAIN minting pool will burn 2 % of the grant and send it to the GLV.
If the development is done before 50 TIMECHAINS, remaining amount will be sent to the GENERATION LINEAGE IMPROVMENT VAULT (GLIV), later on send to the protocol address once the ENTROPY/PROTOCOL will be launched on mainnet .
REVENUE DISTRIBUTION ALGORITHM will be implemented of the ENTROPY deployed on the mainnet based on which slot they went mainnet , they have to add that percent in their equity table/ tokenomics for the foundation.
Last updated